Channel 6


In German

In geometry, an icosahedron is a regular is a convex with 20 faces, 30 edges and 12 vertices.
It is one of the five platonic Solids, and the one with the most sides.
According to Platon the icosahedron represents the element of water and supports the human water energie.


by Richard Rudd



The Sixth Initiation is the greatest experience a human being can have. It represents the zenith of our human development and the end of our evolution on the earth. The mystery of Holy Communion is the mystery of sacrifice. This is the full awakening of the Christ consciousness in a human vehicle, which requires the death of that which identifies with the principle of form itself. This stage is often referred to as enlightenment. The light referred to is the pure light of the sixth body — the atmic body, which is born from within the buddhic body and enlightens the lower three bodies. As it does so, it causes the causal body to dissolve thus severing the link or bridge between the lower and higher worlds. In mystical terms this involves the dissolution of the soul — that aspect of human consciousness that is drawn again and again into incarnation. Thus it is said that at the point of enlightenment the indwelling awareness can no longer take incarnation and forever escapes the wheel of samsara or illusion.

The Sixth Initiation is the greatest experience a human being can have.

The Initiation of Communion also shares its name with the 45th Siddhi, which describes the great mystery of the taking of the sacred sacrament. The Communion involves the direct imbibing of Divine consciousness at the altar. In entering this field of frequency, you are transcending all sense of being separate from others. This is symbolised by the blood of Christ and marks the final breaking up of the karmic residues held in your DNA. For the Grace of Christ to enter you, you must be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice — to give up your lower bodies and their desires, feelings, memories, dreams and knowledge and to be taken over by the greater being who has been waiting all along within you. To enter this great Initiation is to die into the second aspect of the sacred Trinity — the Christ.


Enneagram Type 6 - The Loyal Skeptic

Sixes are mental types who use their perception and intellect to understand the world and figure out whether other people are friendly or hostile. They focus on guarding the safety of the group, project or community. Sixes are good at anticipating problems and coming up with solutions. Knowing the rules and making agreements with other people is important, yet at the same time they tend to doubt themselves and question others. They can oscillate between skepticism and certainty, rebel or true believer. 

Some Sixes are in the "cautious" mode; they hesitate, they worry a lot, and they procrastinate. Other Sixes prefer to stay in the "strength" mode: they rush into action and they seek to brace themselves physically or ideologically as a way of overcoming their fear. As Sixes learn to trust themselves as well as other people, they become more flexible and they develop the courage to act even in the presence of doubt or ambivalence. 


 Loyal, courageous, attentive to people and problems; often strategic thinkers


 Suspicious, pessimistic, doubtful

Speaking style:

 Setting limits on themselves and others, having serious questions, and playing devil's advocate. Sometimes ideologically zealous.

Lower emotional habit:

 Suspicion or distrust, which can lead either to fearfulness and holding back or an aggressive and pushy attitude

Higher emotion:

 Courage, which is not bravado but rather means feeling the fear and moving forward anyway

Archetypal challenge:

 To sustain faith in other people and the life force, and to overcome the mind/body split

Psychological defenses:

 Sixes use the defense mechanism of projection to avoid personal rejection and maintain a self image of being"loyal." (Projection is a way of attributing to others what one can't accept in oneself, both positive and negative qualities). 

Somatic patterns: The cautious or phobic Sixes have fear covering their aggression and their body-based instincts. They tend to worry and hesitate. By contrast, the counter-phobic Sixes have aggression on top of their fear. They tend to rush forward, bracing themselves physically or mentally to prepare for the risks. (Many Sixes go back and forth from cautious to counter-phobic). In terms of body armor, the eyes can be suspicious and guarded, or fearful and protruding. Myopia is common. The diaphragm can hold a lot of tension, resulting in a staccato or halting style of speech and movement.

- The Enneagram At Work -

Nine Keys
by MandalaMatrix

Chapter Six

  (C) 2020 Jörn Lehnert